Jenny Cheng is a certified counsellor candidacy and a full member of Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association (HKPCA). She received her master degree of social sciences in counselling from the City University of Hong Kong in 2017. She joined Christian New Life Association as a student counsellor and has engaged with clients for more than 100 case-hours. Her major clients were male adults with substance abuse problem and some of them developed mental illness as well. Recently, she is under supervision from an experienced, HKPCA approved supervisor to continue her learning. She aims to become more competent and mature in handling cases with various needs and organizing group work.
In her leisure time, she is an active volunteer of the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong (MHAHK) and visits Castle Peak Hospital regularly to provide services to patients. With the support of MHAHK, she finished a training course about risk management of mental health introduced by Mental Health First Aid Australia and was then assigned to facilitate instructors of the program to promote knowledge and skills of mental health first aid to students and residents of community mid-way house.